Village Hall News
Great Ouseburn Village Hall Management committee is pleased to announce that it has received grant funding, which will contribute to the implementation of a number of work packages to help reduce the hall's carbon footprint. The main element of this is the installation of Photo Voltaic Solar Panels on the south facing roof of the village hall. This involves 50 panels, producing 27.56 kWh of electricity, with a battery back-up of 14.2kWh. This will save 7.5 tons of carbon dioxide annually. The external walls have been fully insulated to reduce the heat loss from the building. The work will be completed by February 2025.
Funding to support this scheme has been allocated from the York and North Yorkshire Net Zero Fund. This fund is led by the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority, using investment secured from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.​

Other works carried out recently, from the Hall’s own funds, in order to make the hall more accessible, safer and attractive to hirers are: repair of the disabled lift allowing full access to the Jeff Gill (Club) room; replacement of rotten timbers on the terrace to the Club room; and refurbishment of the main hall timber flooring.
News from the Ouse
Quarterly eNews to your inbox
December, March, June, September
What the newsletter will include:
News about village fundraisers
News about village socials
News from our local businesses (i.e. pub, shop)
News from our community groups (i.e. school, church, bowling, cricket)
News that might impact on village life (e.g. road closures)
What the newsletter will not include:
Commercial advertising not relevant to the village
Hard copies of the newsletter will be available from the shop or email us with your village address to have a copy dropped in your door.​
Quarterly eNews